It was a lot of fun, and I expanded the village a lot (more than I share here) as at the time, there were many more occupants (before Mordenkainen's uprising). I ran a campaign a few years back where the PCs started as children living in Barovia, around 10 years prior to Curse of Strahd, and grew up in the village.

All of those PNGs should just drop down nicely. The same is true of the COS maps from Roll20, which Castle Ravenloft's rooms are based on. I hope I am not treading on any toes by sharing these. Some of the maps build upon Mike Schley's wonderful designs for COS but predominently made using a combination of CC3 and Photoshop. Includes, the Blood of the Vine, the Burgomaster's Mansion, an extra domicile in Barovia village, and of course, additional chambers in Castle Ravenloft. Hi guys, upon recently responding to a post about preparing Castle Ravenloft, I thought I might share my modifications and additions both to the village of Barovia and Castle Ravenloft itself.